How can I shift from Oman to New Zealand?

· New Zealand Visa,Visa Consultants,NZ Visa Process,Visa Consultants UAE,Immigration Process


New Zealand has a lush green landscape, moderate weather, and lowercost of living, making it a great choice for youngsters and families seeking anew resident, particularly for employees in construction industries. 

The country's economy fell around a similar occasion as the recessionstruck Ireland in 2008. However, it did not decline as far and improved muchmore swiftly. In May 2018, the unemployment rate was only 4.4 % which is the lowest as of the last quarter of 2008. 

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Ways to Immigrate to New Zealand 

Immigration consultants can help with the New Zealand visa process for an extra fee but are not required. Ifyou are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you do not require a visato get a job in NZ. Following are a few types of visas by which you can come to and work in New Zealand. 

1.  Skilled Migrant Visa 

This type of visa grants permanent residency to workers whose skillsare on any skill shortage lists but do not hold an employment offer beforecoming to NZ. To qualify, you should be below 55, speak English, and healthy. 

A few workers would be granted a job search visa that they can use forup to 9 months when seeking a skilled job. 

Get the assistance of the most reliable New Zealand Visa Consultants in Bahrain. 

2.  Temporary visas

  • Essential Skills Category

This visa is for the workers holding an employment offer with theexperience or training required by a company that has confirmed that theycannot find a likewise skilled aspirant in NZ to fill the post. The validity of the visa can be one, three, or five years.

  • Working holiday visa 

This visa permits individuals between 18 and 30 years to travel andwork for up to 12 months. You should have a return ticket or enough money topurchase one while coming to New Zealand and at least 4200 NZD in your account. 

  • Silver Fern 

This visa has a validity of 9 months that can be extended to 2 yearsfor highly skilled workers between 20 and 35 years of age seeking a job in NZ.Go to for all other types of visa. 

You can apply for citizenship if you hold permanent residence.Obtaining the citizenship of New Zealand can give you the right to live in NZand travel on an NZ passport.